Insomnia | How to get a Good Night’s Sleep

Rippley's Fun & Games
4 min readMay 19, 2021

Noticed the times you hit the snooze button to get back to sleep?

With an excessive number of overloaded workdays, we get short of those seven or eight hours we deserve. In today’s society, rest may feel like an extravagance when in reality, it’s a “necessity”. Sleep is fundamental to our health, well being, and generally.

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder; but should not be left unattended.
Insomnia is a common Sleep Disorder; but should not be left unattended.

Insomnia, a sleep disorder that causes an imbalance in the consciousness of its victim. People facing insomnia may get up well before the rising time or have trouble nodding off in the night.

Around 50–70 million people in America experience chronic insomnia consistently and in addition, 57% of the elderly live their lives discontented because of sleep deprivation. Encountering periodic restless nights is not a “no-big-deal” and may worsen over time. While this issue is considered normal, it’s more of a perplexing condition that becomes complicated if left untreated. Insomnia can dreadfully affect your hormonal and energy levels, efficiency, concentration, and perception. You may feel tired when you awaken. Sleep deprivation can sap the energy levels and disrupt your well being, work execution, and lifestyle.

Screen time before bed can cause sleep deprivation

Any Treatment / Cure to this?

Feeling depressed for having to deal with this situation many times? No sweat, here are 9 tips to follow up and overcome sleep deprivation eventually. Read On!

1. Schedule your sleep:

Set up a proper sleep schedule. Take proper sleep at the right place at the right time, even on weekends. This will help the body to maintain balance and determine when it is time to doze off. Sleeping earlier or late will only cause anxiety and disturbance. So, it is necessary not to compromise on the set schedule.

2. Avoid any midnight feasts:

It is better not to take any heavy meal before or after nighttime. Heavy meals are reserved only for breakfast. Eating right before bed causes indigestion, heartburn (if a calorie-rich meal is taken) and dyspepsia hence leading to insomnia. So consume light snacks before bedtime if it’s that urgent.

3. Dealing with Stress and Depression:

Trying not to discuss or even thinking about any depressed times may help you overcome insomnia. Relaxing your brain with peaceful thoughts and keeping it away from negative conceptions will surely help. So try not to discuss any stressful events before bedtime.

4. Limit your screen time:

Using computers, mobile devices, or even watching television while lying in bed are solid reasons for insomnia to take effect. Mobile devices emit blue light and radiations causing the brain to believe it’s daytime hence, making it harder for you to fall asleep. So make sure to stop using any kind of electronic gadget 2–3 hours before sleep.

5. Try not to nap during the day:

Out of 24 hours, the twelve hours that we have are supposed to be utilized in doing work. Of course, our body does need some rest but save it for the night. Taking afternoon or evening snoozes will keep you conscious around the nighttime and will upset your plan for the next day. So if you have a habit of taking naps during the day, fix the schedule.

6. Curb alcohol and caffeine consumption:

Mostly present in teas, colas, and coffee, caffeine acts as a stimulant and activates the brain causing sleeplessness and keeps you from falling asleep. So keep them reserved for the morning. Nicotine in cigarettes is another energizer that can cause interference with sleep. You may think alcohol consumption will help you doze off, but that’s a total misconception. Alcohol only causes you to become unconscious. It disturbs further phases of sleep and frequently causes arousing in the middle of the night.

7. Exercising at the night:

Taking exercise before sleep does not help overcome insomnia. Exercise refreshes the body and prepares it for a workout. So, exercising right before the lay down is not recommended.

8. Continuous-time checking:

Now, you manage to lie down in your bed at the right time. You struggle to sleep and are unable to do so. And then, after every 15 minutes, you check the clock. Then again, then again. That’s where you’re making a mistake. This will only cause you anxiety and the struggles to fall asleep will vanish.

Conclusively, having safe and compelling treatment alternatives are vital to control insomnia. Start with some way of life changes, for example, setting up a standard sleep time and decreasing your caffeine dosage so it doesn’t meddle with your rest. Making a quiet, loosening up a sleepy atmosphere and taking out interruptions like TV or mobile phones may prove beneficial. As an extra, you might need to consult with your doctor. This will help you to know precisely what’s causing your sleep deprivation.

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~Rippley’s Fun & Games

